DevLog#10 - I can see the finish line

The Last week to implement features is over! We are diving into the polishing now. In the last two weeks our game experienced a lot of changes and some boosts.



First of all, we fixed our biggest bug. Again and again we had the problem, that the controllers were not working and the babies and the mom walked around like they were possessed. The bug was even a riddle to the old-established programmers.

Furthermore, we have implemented a lot of UI. When the game starts, player can now choose which character they want to play. The playpen has a new UI, too, which shows you when the babies get released out of their prison. For the satisfaction of our artist we integrated a two sided shader, so our mom can finally wear her bath coat.

Another feature we fitted in our scene last minute, is the oven. After a specific amount of time the oven spits fire in a directional line through the kitchen. The fire stuns every player who is standing in the path of the firetrail.



We created a whole new set of assets and placed them in the kitchen. Now it already looks more lively. Also wall and floor textures are created.

Another big milestone is the completion of the animations of mom and babies. We rigged and animated the baby by hand, which took way to much time. So we decided to use to animate the mom which worked surprisingly well.

Some particles are also ready to put in the scene. Particles in Unity were also completely new for us, but with some help from tutorials we managed to get some cartoony particles which fit perfectly in our game.

We started to work on the design of the UI’s as well. To match with the cartoony style of the particle we made the UIs and buttons all in 2D.



We have sound (finally) !

The only sound implemented in our scene for the moment is the background music : a remix of a remix of the magma mines soundtrack of Mario party.  What's a remix of a remix ?! Well, as we lack time to make a fully new soundtrack, we opted for making a new version of an already existing remix (also to avoid copyrights -_- ). Some notes in the initial remix were missing and/or bad... so what we did is fix all those notes as well as adding new notes to make the music more fun and cute. 

To end this paragraph, we have sound effects ready to be linked to their respective mechanics/objects, but we'll look at them more in depth in a next DevLog.


Not a bug but a fatal loss had one of our programmers. After two hours of work somebody else checked in the main scene and saved the scene with his new changes. Unity updated the level on every computer and the progress of the programmer was gone. So all again. On some point the game also showed a really weird bug. The mom spawned knifes all over the kitchen!


Tasks for next week

  •  implementing all animations
  • implementing all new UIs
  • implementing all new UIs
  • perfectly balancing of mom and babies
  • implementing particles
  • work on lighting



Build Mama Mayhem 4/24 32 MB
Apr 24, 2019

Get [Group10] Mama Mayhem

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